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The Chronicle Issue 10

By November 21, 2022No Comments

Principal Report

Dear Parents Guardians, Friends and Students

The last week has been a very sad time for our community with the passing of our ex-staff member, Greg McDonald. Greg and his wife Lorraine, both worked at the College for many years and hold a very special place in all of our hearts. Please keep Lorraine, their two boys, Joel and Angus, and their whole family and all of their friends in your prayers.

Greg was a very special man, who loved and cared for our young people with great compassion and a quiet presence. He would often be seen out walking with a small band of our students who ‘just needed a walk and talk’. You will be missed Greg. Rest well.

Greg’s Funeral will be next Friday. There will be a letter coming home to families with details.

God Bless

Marie Barton

A Prayer

Lord, we know that You are the God who comforts us.
I pray that You provide a time of comfort and rest for those whose hearts are hurting right now.
Hold them in Your embrace, Father.
Wrap them in Your love and remind them that though they may have lost someone dear, they are not alone, for You are with them.
Bring to them the hope of Your unfailing love and turn their sadness into gladness.
Soothe their heartache as they lean on You for comfort and guidance.
I pray that their grief heals smoothly, for You will be with them every step of the way.
May they hold on to You for strength, hope, and sustenance.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.


Deputy Principal Report

Student Recognition

In our most recent formal assembly, a number of our students were recognised for their perseverance and dedication displayed when challenged to think and work differently both in and outside of the classroom. Students were recognised and celebrated for their ongoing personal development that align to our College core values: tolerance, respect, honesty and excellence. Students recognised and celebrated were:

Year 12 Year 10 Year 9 Year 8
  • Keriarkers Farquharson
  • Nicholas Narburup
  • Boston Sims


  • Tyler Poynton


  • David Gallagher


Christian Service Learning (CSL)

Year 11 students recently completed CSL completing an in-school three-day working with several different staff completing a variety of activities. It is hoped that some of these experiences have provided students with the opportunity to reflect and grow as young independent adults as they responded to the needs of others and worked with staff and peers who they ordinarily may not normally work with. The CSL program continues next week, with our Year 12 students completing their in-school three-day CSL program. We have also had many of our students working towards the completion of their CSL hours in our local community and parents are encouraged to contact the College to discuss any volunteering options that may be presented to their child/children which may be included as part of the CSL program students are required to complete.

Student Agency

“Giving students the power to act in their own learning.”

Student agency is interconnected to student voice with a focus on giving students responsibility and ownership of their learning. Both student voice and agency provide students with an opportunity to influence and change their school.

At Edmund Rice College, student agency involves using a range of strategies including ‘thumbs up/thumbs down’, traffic light system (Green – I can do this, Orange I’m getting there, Red – I need help), exit slips, Ready2Learn Plans, question-and-answer strategies in classes, building community through culturally responsive practices and setting clear expectations for autonomy and check in with students with their learning and understanding of concepts discussed in lessons.

These strategies provide students with a ‘voice’ as well as an opportunity to reflect on their learning and work in developing skills and strategies so that they participate in and contribute to the learning environment of our community. Teaching staff have worked hard to weave the term agency into our daily practice. Students understand that they are in fact given agency everyday whether it involves selecting which activity they will do in a numeracy lesson, setting a personal academic / social goal, choosing an area of interest for an inquiry project or taking responsibility to get up and move to a place where they won’t be distracted.

As College staff look toward the future and consider additional ways to promote student agency, the reintroduction of the Student Representative Council (SRC), will continue to provide opportunities for the development of student agency, voice and leadership. Staff will formalise the role of the SRC and its inclusion in our Vision for Learning document for students and families so that we continue to provide to students both the option to make choices to direct their own learning and the information they need to make strong choices so that they are effective, responsible and active members of our College’s learning community.

Tracey Crisp
Deputy Principal

Matthew 13:31-32 “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of all garden plants and becomes a tree, so that birds come and perch in its branches.”

Remembrance Day

On Friday 11 November 2022 people around the world pause to remember those that have been lost due to conflict from World War 1 to the present day. Edmund Rice College paused at 11:00am to pay our respect and remember the sacrifice made by many people protecting the rights of others.

We held a short but respectful service. All students behaved in a way that was respectful and matched the moment. We had two of our students, Christopher Harris and Alexis Price, come in their Army Cadet uniform to assist with the service. They and all of our students did us proud.

I would like to thank all staff and students who helped organise and set up our college’s Remembrance Day Service.

Robert Cooper
Teaching Staff

Above:  Students and staff attended a service for Remembrance Day in the College chapel.

Bullying Zero

On Friday November 4th, Bullying Zero came out to our school to talk to students from years 7-12. Students were fully engaged in this talk and had good questions and discussion points. Students learnt how to be more resilient, what they can do to be a better person, what they can do to help someone being bullied and where they can go for help.

Anna Williams
Waterford Pastoral Services Coordinator

Wetlands Excursion

Above:  Year 8-10 Students travelled to Joondalup Lake for a wetlands excursion.

On Tuesday the 15th of November the year 8 and 10 students travelled to Joondalup lake to complete some field work as part of an assessment in their Aquatic Ecology unit. We worked alongside Hannah from the nearer to nature community group. We did a range of activities including a site survey to determine the wellbeing of the lake, macroinvertebrate identification, water quality testing and human impact management. The students all had a wonderful day and worked their best through each activity both individually and in groups. It was a lovely sunny day and a nice drive back which meant all the students took a nap on the ride home.

Chelsea Numan
Teaching Staff

Kambarang Cricket Carnival

We were contacted by Adam Cockie from the WA Cricket Association to take part in an Indigenous Youth Cricket Carnival. It was run over two days (Saturday and Sunday Nov5-6) and was designed to teach kids how to play cricket.

We had 22 boys, and 12 girls participate in the carnival. The boys played with a full team of 10 per side and the girls had to borrow 2 players from the opposition and play 8 per side.

On the first day, before the kids started playing games, they were taught some “Deadly cricket” skills by playing and doing activities all cricket related. Every single student loved doing these activities and were constantly laughing and cheering. The first day event was held at the La Salle boarding facilities so all the students got to check out where La Salle live, and we got to have lunch in their huge dining room it was great. After lunch the games of cricket started. We were versing teams from Northam Ballardong, Geraldton and La Salle.

Our girls were instant naturals and some of them were so good that a man from the Cricket association said he wanted them to play for the State team. The boys found it harder as this was their first time playing cricket and they were versing teams that had played before. The games were very similar to T20 cricket but it was a ‘tip and run’ game and free hits off a cone on a smaller field. It was a lot of fun, and the kids really enjoyed it.

The next day was held at Lilac Hill in Caversham. The kids were invited to ‘open’ the game for the WBBL Perth Scorchers professional cricket team. The Kids played 2 more games in front of crowds of people and TV cameras and then were invited onto the field to form a “Bare foot Circle” for the Welcome to country as it was an Indigenous round game. Some of the kids got to stand next famous people and cricketers as we all had a yarn and photos.

It was a very tiring weekend for all involved, but the kids need to be congratulated on their participation. They always had a smile on the face on the fields and were always laughing and cheering each other on. We are very fortunate to have been involved with this carnival and look forward to doing it again next year.

Sam Jenner
Head of Boarding

Above:  Boarding students attended the Kambarang Cricket Carnival over 2 days.