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2024 Uniform and grooming regulations

All students are expected to wear the uniform listed below.

The class uniform consists of:

  • Black/Red polo shirt (everday wear)
  • Black school dress shorts/trousers
  • School V Neck Pullover
  • Black school jacket with embroidered crest
  • Black lace up shoes (proper school shoes – no heels etc)
  • Black belt (optional, but if worn must be black)
  • Black socks
  • College cap/bucket hat or wide brimmed hat (compulsory for all outdoor activities) *

Sports & Swimming Uniform:

  • Faction Polo T-shirt of blue, green or gold with black crest
  • Black unisex “Taslon” shorts
  • Appropriate runners
  • College cap/bucket hat or wide brimmed hat (compulsory for all outdoor activities)
  • Girls – single piece black racing bathers. Black “Taslon” shorts may be worn over the top **
  • Boys – Black “Taslon” shorts to be used as swimmers **
  • Rashie plain red (compulsory)

Work Uniform (Farm & Automotive):

  • A plain black beanie (no logo/embroidery) is optional in Term 2 & 3.  This may be worn outside
  • Hi visibility orange shirt
  • Navy blue long drill work pants for all farm activities
  • Leather work boots (steel cap for Years 11 & 12 only – not in Years 7, 8, 9 & 10)
  • 1 pair safety glasses, for use in workshops (Auto & Woodwork) and on farm (these are available in the Uniform shop or can be purchased elsewhere)
  • Hat, a hat must be worn on farm (no hat, no farm) ***
  • Wet weather jacket (compulsory for winter)

Equine Uniform:

  • Navy blue moleskins/jodhpurs or wrangler jeans for Equine only (can be purchased elsewhere)
  • Blue Equine shirt
  • Wet weather jacket (compulsory for winter)
  • Riding boots/Helmet (please refer to the Equine pack for safety standards)


* A hat, wide brimmed or College cap/bucket hat must be worn for all outside activities during school hours (up to 4.30 pm).  a plain black beanie may be worn outside during winter, only on farm. No other headgear may be worn during school hours. The College has an under hat or under cover policy.
** Black bathers are necessary for those students competing in ACC Inter-School Carnivals.

Students are expected to be well groomed and to have a sense of pride in their appearance. College uniform expectations apply to all students when travelling to and from school, during school hours and for designated school functions. Students are expected to look clean, neat and tidy


  • The College school uniform, the Equine Uniform, Work Uniform (Farm & Automotive) and the Sport Uniform are required to be worn at the allocated times. Instructional times include after school rostered activities (farm practice, sport and other organised activities). Jeans may not be worn to Farm, Equine, Automotive, Engineering or Woodwork.
  • The uniform is to be clean, neat and tidy, with shirts tucked in and jumpers are not to be tied around the waist.
  • The daily, work or sport uniform is to be worn for respective times. Mixing parts of the uniforms is not approved.
  • Appropriate footwear is to be worn to, from and in the various activities. Bare feet are a safety risk in most circumstances.
  • Any over-garments such as raincoats, parkas and gloves that are worn to and from school, must be taken off upon reaching school. The school hooded coat should be worn in cold weather.

Grooming, hair, make up and jewellery

  • Students are not to cut their own hair, nor other student’s, while at the College. At no time can students shave their head, or part of their head or eyebrows.
  • Extremes of cut or colour are to be avoided, hair must be one natural colour only and must be so subtle that it does not necessitate visible re-growth, designs cut into hair (eg tracks) are not permitted. Excessively short hair is also not permitted and a cut shorter than a number three is unacceptable. The Principal may suspend students from the College or activities in cases of non-conformance, until the situation is remedied.
  • Hair will be clean, neat and off the face. All students with hair longer than collar length will have it tied up. Hair is not to cover the face or eyes in instructional time. Plain unornamented clips, pins, hair ties or hair nets are to be used. If a headband is worn it shall be black in colour.
  • Hair products (e.g. gel, mousse) to be used sparingly so as to look neat and conservative (not spiky).
  • Students may wear eye liner and mascara to school. They may also wear nail polish.  If it is chipped they will be asked to remove it.
  • Boys shall be clean shaven.
  • Hand rings, arm bracelets are not worn in instructional times. Bracelets include any material bracelet.
  • Visible body piercing is not permitted. Excess jewellery will be confiscated and is to be reclaimed from the College Office at the end of each school term.
  • Medic alert bracelets MUST be worn at all times.
  • Tattoos are not permitted, permanent or non permanent. Any other forms of body art, drawing on hands/arms (or other body parts) or uniform is not approved.
  • Graffiti is not permitted on College uniform items or in the student diary.

Permitted accessories

  • One fine neck chain (only a Christian symbol may be added to the chain – optional) worn around the neck.
  • One watch.
  • A maximum of one PLAIN silver or gold (only) small stud or sleeper per lower ear lobe. Additional piercing or “taping over” is not permitted (including additional plastic studs).


Management procedure

Students with a valid reason for not wearing correct uniform shall:

  • Bring a note to school, signed by a parent/guardian. The note is to indicate the period of time for which the reason is valid.
  • Carry the note with them for the duration of time they do not have the appropriate uniform.
  • Student’s whose grooming and uniform are consistently non-compliant with the school policy, are to be sent to the House Coordinators.

Marking uniforms procedure

All items of clothing are to be clearly marked with the student’s name. Iron-on labels are not suitable for use in the College driers, these labels should be sewn in. Uniform items that have not been clearly marked may end up in lost property and if not claimed by the end of the term, will be sent to the second-hand uniform shop to be sold.


Uniform Price List

For more information on the 2024 Uniform Price List –  please click here

Mrs Marie Barton - Principal